
Showing posts from April, 2021

A Review of Baliji Srinavasan's "How To Start A Country"

     What struck me most about Baliji's article entitled "How To Start a New Country" was how the prompt Baliji puts forth might compliment to  Daniel Schmactenberger's suggestions for a way civilization might transition to an alternative operating system, one that might avert impending global crises probable to occur along the trajectory our globalized civilization currently moves.  Schmactenberger refers to his alternative as Plan B which simply put, harnesses non-rivalrous means of functioning and innovating to advance society, and is juxtaposed against Plan A , our current rivalrous and arguably self-terminating operating system. I am mostly writing this review to try and interface Baliji's considerations about a country first founded as c loud community  using the minimum innovation necessary  with Daniel's proposition of how a group modeling Plan B might gain traction to influence culture broadly enough that it hacks the mimetic process globally. Baliji